You guys are probably already

aware of that after the photo

But not the before photo

My arms are my logo

And it’s also my signature thumbnails as well…

Sorry I fooled you all

To be honest this was my body recently

I would squeeze the hell out of my arm for the thumbnails

Yes… I did go through some rough time

Didn’t even exercise

And of course, I didn’t watch what I ate

If only that, was it…

Without missing a single night

I would drink 2 cans of beer and a whisky just before bed

There’s no chance

And my snack was always chocolate

- It’s time to grow up
- Yes

I was like that for 3mths

I didn’t even drink before

It’s so easy for it to become a habit

It feels good

With few drinks

I could fall asleep

But I lived as a gym junkie for 10yrs

How could my muscles melt in 100days?

Let’s hit the gym

Where’s the other side?

Woah… why is this so heavy?

It was hard at first to quit drinking

But once I started it, I got used to it

From this moment

I’ll show you guys

How much a person can change

Gotta add some weights with bench press



Okay enough playing

Even though it looks like I lost all my muscles

Once you make muscles

There’s a thing called muscle memory

And muscles recover quickly

This is exactly 2 weeks after

Exercising while you still can

That’s your asset right there

The most important part is to control the shoulder

Oh yeh that’s right I’m a food YouTuber

I’ll show you guys my diet

(Check my other channel for workout videos)

Let’s go. Start

The fastest way is

To continuously eat chicken breast

The most important part of making your

Is the ability to eat food that doesn’t taste nice

(Still, sweet potato is good)

I swear if you eat this for a whole week you smell like sh...

But still, start by eating this for a week

Your guts and your body will be clean

And anything but this will taste so good

Honestly, vegetables are another thing that’s hard to eat

But you have to

If you don’t

You can’t call it a healthy diet

It’s easier to buy prepaid salads like this

But it’s pricy and the sauces

There’s too much sugar in it

I’ll show you guys my dressing

The more onions you eat, It’s good

It controls blood pressure and cholesterol

Also helps clean your artery and belly fat

Helps with high blood pressure and

it's good for blood circulation and gastrointestinal function

It’s just yummy

If you put an excessive amount like this

It’s just yummy I said

Balsamic means aromatic in Italian

(+Balsamic 1)

This acidity grape scent

It goes well with salad

The most ingredient

That goes in the dressing

Is olive oil

You need to use extra virgin…

Use a good one

Add the same amount of olive oil

(+Extra virgin olive oil 1)

Talk about slow

When you are on a diet you crave

Sugar & Salt

It’s okay to have some salt

around 5%

Add pepper just for the scent

(for sweetness...)

(if you add honey or agave syrup)

It’s the bomb

Yeh but you can’t

This is a sugar replacement

It has a stronger sweetness than sugar

With zero calorie

(+ stevia)
This is a god sent

And if you still have sugar when we have this

Just stop with the diet right now…

(+ minced garlic 0.1)
minced garlic as an option

(+ soy sauce 0.1)
a little soy sauce

can't imitate it with vinegar

(+ lemon 1)
the real sourness

Add some zest as well

(+ fragrant is enhanced)

and adding some black olives

well that's luxury

Just roughly mesh it with your hands

(+ the more, the better)

Finish it off with some MSG

(+ Huge difference!)

Now it's good

This ratio is perfect for me

but it's a personal taste

so you can add more if you want

This stuff is real good

If you get sick of chicken breast

add salmon instead

Cuz it's payday today

added some beef

What other way

can you enjoy these greens more than this?

Whatever I added. I had 2servings of veggies each day

All your daily nutrient is in this bowl

I know this is for my diet

but every morning I Poo..p

I'm hungry

You even get sick of all kinds of delicacies

So when you want to continue on your diet

you need varieties

Anyone who succeeded their diets from just chicken breast

are just not humans

(at all)

We'll keep it simple and yummy

(Egg rice)
diet foods need to be kept simple

(+ egg 2)

Brown rice

If you are on an intense diet

add half

My go-too frozen veggies when I'm on a diet

(+ must have)

Has all sorts of veggies in here

Chicken breast

(+ protein )
Whatever it is just add it

Cuz have some shrimps

(+ more proteins)
I'll add these frozen shrimps

And a lot of green onions

A bit of soy sauce and a dash of MSG

A bit of Tobasco

And for sauce

(+ diet sauce)

(+ the main sauces)
Sugar-free ketchup is good too

just anything

(Microwave it for 3min)

Because of the veggies and the shrimps

it becomes a bit moist

From here microwave it for another minute

If you think you worked out enough today

Add some cheese

That is only if you

really did

It's like I'm just eating cheese


I could feel it

The best thing about being on a diet

is that you can taste food in detail

Frozen ingredients

(Wanted to say they're good)

(Fried rice)
With a bit of olive oil

onions, green onions

Always think that you'll add a lot of these

gotta full yourself up with something

(+ option)
Add garlic if you have any

This is a cauliflower rice

Think of it as a broccoli friend

It's all crumbled like rice

(+ half bag)

This stuff tastes like rice

(+ thick soy sauce)
Pour it in the side

cook it before mixing it in

You know it tastes better

Add a bit of salt, pepper, and stevia into the egg

This is really good

(+ crab meat)

(+ sesame seeds)

You can change around whatever you want

on the top

But don't add pork belly to it

It's legit like rice

The cauliflower rice is an innovation

You gotta add heaps of green onions

Maybe diet is not hard after all

(Tofu curry)
Just mesh the tofu

Can you see how crumbly it is?

So cool

You can eat a lot of tofu

But eat more veggies


(+ onion)

(+ zucchini)

(+ cabbage)

I know you guys don't like it, broccoli

(+ yuck)

If not like this when are you going to eat them?

(hate broccoli)
I don't like broccoli

When it's brown in the bottom

stir fry it with a bit of water

It's cuz there's no oil

(+ water)

(+ curry powder)

This is good

I think this is the best way

to eat broccoli

Don't stress over diet plans

Just have some chicken breasts with greens

(Oatmeal risotto)
Oatmeal is a perfect diet food

But it's disgusting

(+ oatmeal 1)
1 cup of oatmeal

(+ water 2)
2 cups of water

cook it in low heat, it will turn into a porridge

(drain the tuna)

It's nice and cooked, right?

(+ drained tuna)
Add tuna

(+ salt)
A dash of salt

(+ sesame oil)
And by adding sesame oil

It tastes completely different

And when you add some nori here it's so good

But that's crossing the line

(+ a lot of sesame seeds)

Let's be satisfied with sesame seeds

Doesn't it look like an actual risotto?

Tell me it does!

Salt is crucial when you are on a diet

Cuz you are already on a low-salt diet

You'll need to have at least this much

You'll feel that happiness from just a piece of kimchi

It just looks like tuna porridge

(anyway it's a risotto!)

I know eggplants are not everyone's fave

but this one's good

(Eggplant pizza)

It would be better with tomato sauce but for us

(+ sugar-free ketchup)

(+ sriracha)

Top it off with any veggies you like

(+ onion)

(+ bell peppers)

(+ don't like you broccoli)

And on top, protein

Agh so sick of it

I'll top it off with shrimps

Shrimp pizza all the way

I love black olives

I'm sure the more cheese you add the better

But it's too fattening


Woah it's crispy

With a bit of tabasco

It's so moist inside

I'm sure it'll be boiling hot

It's so moist and so good

You gotta eat something like this once a while to continue on your diet

I think I need more protein

Just add more chicken breast

There are so many chicken breast products now

It's easier to go on a diet

It's noodles

What noodles?

I'm truly showing you guys

what I ate during my diet

Add the whole soup powder

There's frozen seafood mix like this

it's actually pretty good quality

(+ awesome tips)

The flavor enhances when it felts in the soup

There are mussels and baby octopus

Shrimp, squids

Are these marsh snails?

Everything is in here

Add the dried flakes

Use air-dried noodles only

(+ No normal fried noodles)
We can't do anything about this

at least it's low in saturated fat

(+ bean sprouts are good)
Add bean sprouts if you have any

There's seasoning oil like this

But don't

Use olive oil instead

When sugar meets unsaturated fat

sugar level goes up slowly

It's been a long time since I had noodles

Humongous squid

It's just seafood stew

Only just taste the soup

don't eat it all

There are clams as well

Shall I add rice?

You only eat like this for one meal each day

the rest is the chicken and the greens

But first, get used to strict

diet plan for a month

When you start to lose motivation

Cooking food like this

gets rid of the cravings

It's hard when you start but you'll get used to it

It's not a big deal

You can do it

Say it with me

I can do it..

Diet is not a big deal

I wanted to eat bread so badly

The only acceptable thing

Are bagels

The ingredients are.

Protein 12g

It's so much better if you steamed it a bit

But bagel is still a bread

You'll get fat if you eat too much

so it's a good idea who remove some

Spread zero-calorie mustard on one side

and a little fat-free mayo on the other half

Just a little bit more

top it off with veggies and some ham. Don't be scared

This ham is okay

Add smoked ham if you have em

There's actually not much fat

Bought it at Costco, you'll find the details on my other channel


Add a thick slice

If you have lettuce add that

if not, forget about it

Looks like a burger, right?

Shoot! My body wanted bread!

I'm so freakin' happy right now

But you can't have this once a day

instead once a week

Take the string out though...

One more

Fat-free Greek yogurt

Mascarpone cheese

We are crossing a bit of a line here

It makes a whole lot of difference with this much

Frozen blueberries

Sweeten with stevia

A pinch of salt

Of course, this is good

It's like ice cream

This is crazy

I love sweets

It's like eating thick cream bread

One more

This is frozen avocados

thawed it at room temperature

(+ wholegrain mustard)

(+ onion)


It's okay if you don't have it

Lemon juice

Oh salt

Smoked salmon

Finish it with a bit

of balsamic glazing

Omg, what do I do with this?

(Eat it of course)

Oh that feeling when you are on a diet and you have a bite

you know the thrill

I hope you guys get to feel at least for once

It's so thrilling

This green thing is pretty damn good

One more

On this beef bolar blade

Add soy sauce, cooking wine, minced garlic, stevia

a bit of cracked pepper, onion, mushroom

Add water if you don't want to add oil

Bread, greens, meat

and in here

We'll add some washed kimchi

Washed kimchi

Oh I don't care

This one's the best!

That washed kimchi is the cherry on top

This meat was cost-effective as hell

It's tender and good

I'm f@3ked

If you think you ate a lot, run

there's no other way

As a cooking YouTuber

I can't help but binge on food

and every time I would run for 2hrs

You lose as much as you run

Gukbap (rice soup)

Can't have any soups cuz

only have a few days till photoshoots

So instead I'll indulge in tomatoes

I wouldn't able to survive on diet without this

(Tomato stew)
Made a whole lot with my friend

Stocking it up like some stocks

Why can't you peel it properly?

I dunno I can't peel it cuz of the camera

(1. prepare the onion, potato, carrot, celery)

(2. Cook the ingredients)

(Add enough salt)

What the hell are you doin, you ass?

Pouring so much salt..

(The more you cook, the better)

(especially onion)

(the ratio isn't important)

(Add all a lot of your fave veggies)

(Add skinless tomatoes)

I think we need a bigger ladle

(3. Add tomato cans and cook)

(clean the can with water)

(Cook it for an hr and blend it)


Let's eat

It's much better with more onions

(+ minced beef)

(+ minced garlic)

What protein should we add?

(Told me no chicken breast)

(+ add beef)

Man it's gonna cost you a lot to lose weight

(+ added expensive button mushrooms)

By adding just 2 anchovies it's another level

(+ natural MSG)

This is cayenne pepper

(+ clean spiciness)

I lost all my weight by eating like this

I ate the same thing but I didn't lose any

Gotta workout if you ate the food

And you even had rice with it

And pasta as well

(In the end...added rice)

It's not the stew but the rice that's legit

I'm energized!

Why is this white stuff so good!

And the reason you'll never get sick of this stew is

you can add any meat

even lamb chops like these

It was $26 for these

cheap huh?

It's the fat that gives the depth but

you gotta remove em...T.T

If you're not on a diet, use it as it is

(+ salt)

(Maillard reaction on the outside)

(+ minced beef)

(+ onion)

(+ mushroom)

(+ minced garlic)

If you don't have veggies like this in the fridge

Add frozen veggies

(+ stock it up)

Add enough water to cover the bones

Simmer it in low heat

The bones enhance the flavor

it makes it so hearty

and from here add our multi-use sauce

(Remove fat while simmering)

This makes it better

(+ garlic flakes)

(How can this not be good)

So today, I've shown you guys varieties of food

but it was this stew that I ate the most

It's really good

That I would just eat it for weeks by changing around the meat

even after my photoshoots

(Stew was shot after the photoshoot)

You're done with filming?

Aren't you done?

Can I have some too?

You can't even buy this with money

Put on the gloves, it's in the drawer

Shoot it's hot!

It's amazing, right?

It's crazy bro!

(With Mokssu)

Can I swear?

Why did you sprinkle that now?

Didn't you say this ep. was diet special?

Diet food

I lost by eating all these

I wanna do it

My dad's body was amazing

He would always say

that working out when you're young would be your asset later on

and thanks to his early workouts he had the energy

to provide us with a good life

And son, make exercise your daily activity

and later on, you'll understand what I mean

He would repeat this over and over when he drank

Man...he told me this million time

I don't know if it was carved inside of me

but I would always exercise

Thanks to my 10yrs of exercise

I could get back to my old body

To be honest, when I was planning out this video

I wanted something like 'You can make it in 6mths'

kinda clickbait

But that's impossible

It will never happen

You have to exercise consistently for the rest of your life

That's crazy!

I mean look at that, your body is perfect

It looks fake

Huh? You're filming me?

I just sounded like a cougar, didn't I?



This right here, you must experience it once in your lifetime

it feels like all your senses are focused on your tongue

this feeling makes going on a diet worth it

Both subscribe and likes

Brings me so much energy

for me to continue cooking!